Advertisements convince us every day that we need to have the latest gadget, car, outfit, and many more. Our social media feed makes everything look so desirable that you end up clicking the cart link. Online shopping has made it easier for consumers to buy whatever they want, whenever they want it.
There’s nothing wrong with rewarding yourself once in a while for a job well done. Treating yourself is a great pick-me-up that you need to keep going.
But when splurging ruins your budget, it’s time to stop and reconsider your spending habits.
Why do we love to spend?
Money isn’t only a form of payment for our basic necessities. For some people, money is a way of escape. Retail therapy gives them a sense of control. They use cash or credit card to receive temporary happiness that comes with every buy.
I was in the same boat before.
My constant need to spend started as a child. I lacked a sense of security. My parents didn’t give the praise I need to feel good about myself. To fill this emptiness, I decided to sell to provide for myself. I made my first peso by selling pastillas and polvoron. Later on, I earned money by teaching piano to other kids in our village. I grew up becoming a successful businesswoman who earned a lot. But I was never satisfied.
As an adult, I continued to fill that emptiness with expensive clothes, bags, and shoes. I treated money like the god that could get me the best in life. I thought I was happy.
This wrong filling of unmet need left me with P2 million in credit card debt and unpaid loans. It was one of the worst moments of my life. It was a miserable life.
Compulsive purchases are not worth it
Compulsive shoppers like me lived by the “Shop Until You Drop” philosophy. We do not think about how we can pay the bills. We shop because we are after the satisfaction of our buy. Spending too much doesn’t allow us to see our true financial status. It’s difficult to save money when you spend it as fast as you make it.
Instead of spending money as soon as you have it, it’s important to remember who gave us the money in the first place — God. He gave us the resources so that we can spend it on things we NEED, not want. We honor God when we use our money according to His will.
Live according to His provisions
Following a minimalist beauty lifestyle requires joyful living within your means. It’s all about being content with what God has given you.
Here’s how you can start.
Make a budget
List all expected income and expenses. This serves as your roadmap to reach your money goal. Living a minimalist lifestyle is about being intentional in sticking to a budget when buying the essentials. This disciplines you to only spend on what you can afford.
I got out of my P2 million credit card by creating a “Wish-Inspirational budget.” I wrote down my “inspirational income” (take note, this is inspirational) per month and my expenses. I then included a budget for wellness, travel, and healthy food for the family. I also wrote down my desire to share to charity.
The inspirational budget sets a goal for me. I planned on achieving my goal by strictly following THE budget. Once I completed my list, I surrendered it to the Lord and let Him take care of the rest.
Depend on the Lord
“The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many will borrow from none.” Deuteronomy 28:12
I used to have four credit cards and only paid the minimum due. God saw this and taught me a lesson: He allowed me to max out my credit cards and end up in huge debt. I couldn’t use any of my cards to pay for anything at all. The Lord challenged me to depend on Him and not on my cards.
GOD comforted me by telling me to trust Him.
I used to have four credit cards and only paid the minimum due. God saw this and taught me a lesson: He allowed me to max out my credit cards and end up in huge debt. I couldn’t use any of my cards to pay for anything at all. The Lord challenged me to depend on Him and not on my cards.
GOD comforted me by telling me to trust Him.
“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
So I started praying to GOD for provision, sought His wisdom on how to manage my money. I also started paying in cash. I stopped buying things I cannot afford.
To recover from debt, I wrote down all my outstanding balance of each credit cards. Then, split the payment in 6 to 12 months to determine how much I need to pay. I also calculated how much I want to receive as income through my bookings.
I also sold some items that I don’t need since I was already living a minimalist lifestyle. I let go and forfeited two condominium unit I bought so I that I will be from monthly amortizations.
A minimalist beauty lifestyle means living joyfully within the Lord’s provision. It’s not a life filled with clothes, shoes, and handbags you can’t afford. It’s all about honoring Him by being thankful for what He has given and living within our means.
Is it possible to live within a small income? How can I be a wise steward of God’s provision? You’ve read my story and I am telling you that it is possible. Would you like me to coach you in following this new Minimalist Beauty Lifestyle? This has changed my life and it is my desire to help you change yours.