Investing in Yourself

A young musician who wishes to make it big someday should improve his skills and invest in self. He needs to make time to learn chord progressions and music theories, and practice. A young person who aims to become a great writer will spend countless hours learning techniques, reading, and practicing to publish a book someday.

Whether they are aware of it or not, these individuals are doing one crucial thing… They are investing in themselves.

How you improve yourself today will dictate what you will be in the future. We cannot be dreaming of a better version of ourselves if we are not willing to work at getting better. That dream will remain a dream.

How can you perform better in the future if you’re not doing anything today? That is why YOU are the biggest investment you can make.

Self-Investment as a Necessity

Investing in yourself is a form of self-love. It is also one of the most profitable investments you can make for yourself. One of the worst things a person can do to themselves is to assume that they will remain the same person 10 or 20 years from today. Some people also believe that they will automatically improve without even trying. My friends, that is wishful thinking.

Whether you are a simple employee looking for career advancement or a CEO, all must invest in themselves. We do this to be better and to improve work performance. The amount of time and effort you put into investing in yourself will help determine the quality of your life today and tomorrow.

How Do I Invest in Myself?

I know how it is not to invest in myself. I prioritized shopping more than professional development. I spent money on material things thinking that having them in my closet was a great investment. I used to think these things would help me become a better Toni Miranda.

Oh, how wrong was I.

The minimalist lifestyle has taught me one thing: shopping isn’t the answer to everything. Investing in the important things is the key to a better me.

What are these important things you should invest in?

Spiritual Growth. Without sounding too religious, but I believe that spirituality should be a priority. One of the biggest investments you can make is investing in your relationship with the Lord. Let Him lead you to the right people who can help you improve yourself according to His Word. Don’t settle for regular Sunday services.

Grow in Him by attending support groups or joining Bible studies. I recommend looking for discipleship groups where you can grow. The people in these groups share the same struggles as you. Together, you can work out these challenges with them.

The truth is we are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made by God’, who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Don’t believe it? Read Matthew 10:30-31 to learn more about God’s love for you.

Personal Growth. Everyone is good at something. It only takes time to discover where you excel at. List down your skills or talents and find out how you can hone them. There are personal growth courses that focus on strengthening your talents. Knowing your passion is also important because it gives you a goal. You’ll know what you want and you can map out a plan on how you can get it.

Health and Wellness. Listen to your body’s needs so you can take good care of it. Don’t forget to go regular medical checkups to ensure you are in good shape.

I used to take my health and body for granted. I would always suffer from headaches and stomach pains but I would always think that I was okay. My busy schedule kept me from realizing that my health was suffering.

A 6-day water fast woke me to my senses. I ended up seeing my doctor who told me that my gut isn’t healthy and revealed I was experiencing hormonal imbalance. It’s fortunate that I took the time to see my doctor. I was given the chance to invest more in my health.

Physical Appearance. I believe every person is beautiful in their own right.
Still, you need to take care of your appearance so you can be more confident in who you care. Develop a personal style so you’ll stand out among others. Determine your style by looking at fashion icons, but not copying their exact style. Learn more about the color combinations and styles that will enhance your appearance. Also, don’t forget to practice good grooming habits and update your hairstyle every now and then.

The best investment you can make is by investing in yourself, not in material things. That is one of the rules of living a minimalistic beauty queen life. Instead of shopping and cluttering your life, focus on what really matters.

Investing time with a personal coach will help you define who you are. She will also help you discover your innate skills and improve them. The path to living a minimalist beauty lifestyle is easier with someone who will walk you through and with you in your new journey.