“Sensible people will see trouble coming and avoid it, but an unthinking person will walk right into it and regret it later.” (Prov. 27:12 GNT) This is one of the wise sayings found in the Bible and can be regarded as a guide for us to understand the need for insurance. For this reason, many insurance companies emerged to educate individuals about insurance, its benefits, and how to choose one that is best for them. One of these insurance companies is Manulife Philippines.
Manulife Philippines is an insurance company that was established way back in 1907. They are a subsidiary of Manulife Financial based in Canada, which is one of the largest companies in the world. Manulife Philippines offers different insurances that best suit the needs of the common individual in the Philippines.
Last April, 23, 2018, I was invited by my friend and BNI (Business Network International) colleague, Ms. Jacklyn Chan to speak at Manulife Rising Dragons Unit event called Drumming Zeal. This is a weekly event they do every Monday morning to motivate their people to do their job and advocacy. It’s a combined learning session, and announcements about new memos, news updates, rewards, promos, and performance updates are discussed. It is also during this session that sales strategies and Manulife stories of different successful advisers and leaders are shared. Every week, everyone is inspired and reminded of their advocacy, and prepared to take on the tasks given to them.
My talk was aimed to help them create and project an image that is influential and authentic to what Manulife is all about. The audience was comprised of Manulife agents and agency leaders, mainly from territory MM2-B (Metro Manila 2B), and some agents from other territories like Mighty Everest and Blazing Gems regions of Manulife Philippines. Having a session on proper image management is significant especially if you want to communicate the values and objectives of your brand. Part of what I talked about was my life testimony because I wanted them to understand that being genuine has an amazing impact to those who will hear your story.
The managers sent to me some of the feedback of the audience. Some responses said they became more conscious of how they looked and how they carry themselves. Some were inspired by my life story and appreciated the holistic approach of my talk. They were all attentive and everyone was excited to apply the things I shared with them.
And with that, I truly believe that every person in that audience came away with valuable inputs that will hep them become more effective as agents and leaders, thus, creating a more powerful brand for Manulife Philippines.
If you want your group or company to master the Power of Connection, express with clarity and conciseness, cultivate charisma, heighten your credibility and exemplify composure, and be confident and achieve the sales targets of your group with ease, we can help you. Visit us at Radiance Image Consultancy to explore what we do.