Earlier this year, we received an inquiry from U-Travel Services, Inc. and U-Events, Inc. about our Professional Image and Branding Workshops. They were interested in a holding session for their employees that could quickly, effortlessly, and effectively elevate them to the highest standards of professional presence. Our program, which is designed to empower attendees with the necessary mindset to put ideas into action through leading image enhancement tools, was exactly what they needed.
On January 13, 2018, I had the chance to speak to the U-Travel and U-Events teams in their Mandaluyong office. What we had planned was a totally positive, engaging, informative, and interactive training session. We looked forward to having each participant develop an enhanced visual brand image and a stronger grasp of body language, nonverbal communication, and soft skills. Basically, a more powerful presence.
For the training session, we employed various techniques such as interactive discussions, multimedia, writing exercises and role-playing. We talked about personal image and how it correlates to executive presence. We discussed how first impressions and superficial judgements can leave a profound impact on others’ perception of a person. Dressing appropriately for business settings, and using expressions and “body talk” to enhance one’s image was another thing we touched on.
As a motivational speaker, my goal was to encourage employees to become proactive in cultivating their professional presence, in order for them to become confident, dynamic, and more effective as representatives and ambassadors of U-Travel and U-Events. In line with this, as an inspirational speaker, I wanted to help the attendees build their self confidence. For this, establishing each one’s personal brand was a necessary step. With personal growth and image enhancement, professional growth is sure to follow.
Being in the service business, employees of both companies often deal with customers and clients, particularly those in the sales force. U-Travel specializes in the design and execution of travel and events, while the U-Events team conceptualizes, plans and executes events and marketing plans. It is plain to see that, for both, the ability to professionally interact with various types of people and personalities is vital.
There was a true need for the employees of both companies, whether they are office-based or front liners, to learn how to develop and apply themselves. In the end, this personality development training certainly worked to make them better employees.
Here is a quick recap of the session I had with the wonderful employees of U-Travel Inc. and U-Events Inc.
If you, too, would like to empower and motivate your employees to apply themselves and be the best they can be through image enhancement, an understanding of business etiquette and social etiquette, as well as leadership and grooming, inquire now about how a Certified International Image Consultant can help. Feel free to send me a message or learn more about the services we offer at https://radianceimageconsultancy.com.