We all have taken vitamin and mineral supplements through our mouth, right? But have you heard about taking them in through your bloodstream?

That is basically what the Intravenous Nutrient Therapy does. Nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, are administered through an intravenous method—injected through your skin with the fluid from a bag flowing into your bloodstream—which has shown to enhance the overall well-being of an individual faster than the conventional method of taking them in. Dr. John Myers, a physician from Baltimore, Maryland, was the proponent of this treatment. He was the first one to administer this kind of treatment from more than 50 years ago. “Myers’ Cocktail,” as experts today called it—a scientifically-formulated mixture of Vitamins B and C, Calcium and Magnesium, as some of its major components—is given to patients intravenously to address various medical problems. Today, it is used not only to help treat illnesses, but it is also sought for its ability to increase energy levels and boost the immune system.
But before you head out and get this treatment, you need to understand that getting the right nutrients inside our body still has to be foremost in our eating habits. There is no trumping the efficacy of eating balanced meals of REAL food every day. Even ingesting supplements for vitamins and minerals only falls second to having a proper healthy diet.
It is important to note that there are individuals who cannot properly absorb some of these nutrients due to certain circumstances physiologically or medically. Even conventional medical facilities utilize the use of IV Nutrient drip for patients who are too sick to eat or being treated for a particular nutrient deficiency. It may also be suggested for the elderly who have difficulty absorbing Vitamin B12 because of stomach atrophy or some other digestive issues.
However, it has also been recognized in Alternative Medicine that IV Nutrient Therapy is an effective way to treat health conditions from acute infections like upper respiratory tract infections, to chronic ailments like asthma and fatigue, or major diseases and disorders such as hypertension or Parkinson’s disease. It has also become a buzz since A-List celebrities were also talking about the wonders of this therapy, from Hollywood stars Madonna, Brad Pitt, Rihanna, Chrissy Teigen to world-class models Cindy Crawford and Miranda Kerr.
Fortunately, the IV Nutrient Therapy is now available in the Philippines. The reliable wellness centers that offer this treatment are Rapha Health, Aegle Wellness Center, and Centro Holistico. I will write about my IV Nutrient experience with Rapha and Aegle in my next posts. But in this article, I will share with you my experience with Centro Holistico because I went there first, since it was the one nearest to my home.
Since one of my requests was for weight loss and anti-aging, I was given recommendation about the particular nutrients I will get to address that. Dr. Ryan Dalman was the one who facilitated my IV Nutrient Therapy. He carefully explained to me the benefits of vitamin C and other nutrients, and the advantage of having them infused in my body straight via my blood vessels.

My IV Nutrient treatment took 30-40 minutes long, yet I didn’t feel pain at all. I was seated comfortably in a very cozy couch, while the ambience made me relaxed and I had access to good reading materials while I wait for my therapy to be over.

Overall, I had a great experience with Centro Holistico and I felt my health was boosted because of this therapy. If you are looking into trying this treatment, you may contact Centro Holistico to inquire about it and schedule an appointment.
2/F CommerCenter Alabang
Commerce Avenue corner Filinvest Avenue and
East Asia Drive, Filinvest Corporate City,
Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Contact Information:
Landline: (02) 828-8863
Mobile: (0917) 581-2990
Email: centroholistico.alabang@gmail.com
2/F The Retail Row
The Grove by Rockwell
E. Rodriguez Jr. Ave (C5)
1604 Pasig City
Contact Information:
Landline: (02) 477-4574
Mobile: (0917) 120-7058
Email: centroholistico.thegrove@toni_admin