Overcome stage fright and deliver impactful presentations.

Do you dream of confidently commanding attention on stage and leaving a lasting impression with your words?

Building Confidence & Public Speaking Mastery can help you achieve just that. Led by renowned international speaker and confidence expert, Toni Miranda, this immersive and dynamic full-day course is your transformative journey to public speaking success.

We seamlessly integrate two empowering sessions:

  • Confidence-Building Strategies: Develop the mindset and tools to conquer stage fright and project confidence in any situation.
  • Art of Impactful Public Speaking: Master the skills for crafting captivating presentations, engaging your audience, and delivering a powerful message.

This program equips you with the skills and mindset needed to:

  • Conquer your fears and speak with confidence.
  • Captivate your audience and hold their attention.
  • Make a lasting impact with your presentations.

In partnership with SMX Academix, all sessions will be held at SMX Convention Center Aura, Fort BGC.

Friday, April 26, 2024

08:30 AM to 05:00 PM

  • Gain unshakeable confidence: Overcome self-doubt and project composure in any situation. 
  • Discover your purpose: Align your aspirations with your core values and passions. 
  • Master public speaking: Craft captivating presentations, engage audiences, and deliver impactful messages. 
  • Develop powerful communication skills: Learn storytelling techniques, persuasive arguments, and effective body language. 
  • Become a confident speaker: Conquer stage fright and deliver presentations with poise and clarity. 
  • Build your public speaking brand: Leverage social media and effective marketing to position yourself as a sought-after speaker. 
  • Leave a lasting impact: Create a legacy of positive influence through meaningful contributions. 

Module 1: Cultivating Clarity  

  1. Understand the nature of distorted views of self-confidence. 
  2. Discover your purpose and meaning (Ikigai) to align with your aspirations. 
  3. Create a vision board to visualize your dreams and goals. 
  4. Crash limiting beliefs and negative self-talk 

Module 2: Building Competence

  1. Identify your skills and strengths for personal and professional growth. 
  2. Develop mastery milestones and self-assessment techniques. 
  3. Share experiences and insights on building confidence through competence. 

Module 3: Contributing Your Legacy 

  1. Connect your values to meaningful contributions in your community or field. 
  2. Define your desired legacy and brainstorm actionable steps to achieve it. 
  3. Create an impact map to visualize the positive ripple effects of your actions. 

1. Prepare with Power: 

  • Focus: Understand your audience and craft a captivating message. 
  • Structure: Build a clear and persuasive speech with storytelling elements. 
  • Visuals: Design impactful slides or props to enhance understanding. 
  • Delivery: Master your voice (pitch, pace) and body language for confidence. 

2. Present with Power: 

  • Confidence: Conquer stage fright and project composure through techniques. 
  • Connection: Engage the audience with natural gestures, posture, and eye contact. 
  • Delivery: Ignite passion and energy in your speech to captivate listeners. 
  • Q&A Mastery: Respond to audience questions calmly and confidently. 

3. Promote with Power: 

  • Brand Building: Leverage social media platforms to build a strong public speaking presence. 
  • Speaker Bio: Craft a compelling bio that highlights your expertise and attracts opportunities. 
  • Finding Your Niche: Identify your niche audience and topics for targeted impact. 
  • Platform Power: Explore diverse public speaking opportunities (conferences, events, webinars) and connect with potential collaborators. 

Each module will feature a blend of interactive lectures, group discussions, and hands-on activities, fostering the practical application of concepts. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey to becoming a confident and influential speaker? 

Don’t let this life-changing opportunity slip away.  

With only 60 slots available, secure your spot today and unlock your voice victory! 

Event will start in
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Meet the trainer the confident public speaking series